Selasa, 16 Januari 2018



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Thoughts are much finer than the electricity. Human thoughts are the greatest dynamic force on the earth. A strong thought makes a man stronger from within. There is a famous and good quote in English that Thinking makes the man. Therefore, one should always have positive thoughts. Each and every thought has its own value and power. If one thinks positively, then positive energies are attracted towards him and he gets positive results and vice-versa.

A famous quote of Swami Vivekananda is worth to mention here Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be. Swami Sivananda also says that Friend and enemy, virtue and vice are in the mind only. Every man creates a world of good and evil, pleasure and pain, out of his own imagination only. Good and evil, pleasure and pain do not proceed from objects. These belong to the attitude of your mind. There is nothing good or pleasant in this world. Your imagination makes it so. From the above said quotes we come to know how important is our thoughts. It is your own thoughts that make you feel better and vice-versa.

What you think is What You are!:

Thoughts can travel faster than wind. One worthy and noble thought is more powerful than hundreds of negative thoughts. One should be very careful in whatever he thinks about himself as well as others. What you think is what you are! If you think that you are lovable person and everybody around you loves you then you will be definitely loved by everyone around you. Never allow even a small negative thought to enter your mind which will be the cause of ruin. There is small story on power of thoughts. Once a travellerd was travelling for a long distance and he was walking for a long time. He became tired; he saw a tree nearby and went to rest under the tree. He was so exhausted that he was feeling thirsty and hungry. While sitting under the tree he thought how nice it would be if we get water and some good food. For his surprise, the water and food appeared in front of him. He had his feast and he thought how good it would be if there is cot to sleep and again for his surprise it had appeared in front of him. He lay on the cot and he was seeing the big trees branches and its fruits. The fruit of the tree was very big. After seeing the fruit, the traveler thought what will happen if such a big fruit fall on my head. The fruit did fall on his head and he died. This shows how one should always be very careful in what one thinks.

Thoughts and Environment:

There is always a misconception that man is the result of his environment. This is not true, Shri T. Muthuswamy Aiyer, the first Indian High Court Judge in Madras was born in Absolute poverty. He had to study at night under municipal lanterns, yet he struggled and achieved the greatness. He raised above all the environmental forces through his sheer determination and strong will power. Another worth remembering example is James Ramsay Macdonald. He rose from poverty to power. He rose from a labour to the status of first labour Prime Minister of Britain. You should always remember the strength lies in your weakness because of the weakness you are always alert to safeguard yourself. So, never moan on your environment, rather create your own mental world and environments. Remember, a man who tries to evolve in adverse situation/ environment becomes more strong man with strong nerves.

Effective Thoughts:

If one notices carefully, then one can understand that most of human thoughts are not well-grounded. The common mans mental images are more distorted and he does not know what is meant by deep thinking. This is how confusion starts in ones mind. The thoughts come and go away; therefore, they remain vague. By constant and personal effort one can have clear and deep rooted thoughts. When your thoughts are well grounded, then you get clarity in your thoughts. Once you achieve clarity in your thoughts then there will be no more confusion. To achieve clarity of thoughts one should silence their thoughts. To silence ones thought one should introspect in solitude and at same time one should be always vigilant about his thoughts. Meditation is a good exercise to silence the thoughts. Once you have effective good and noble thoughts then it will be reflected in your life.

Swami Vivekananda said that We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. He also said that Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work. So always have noble and good thoughts. Last but not least, what you think is what you reap!

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