Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

7 Tips To Rent A Car Within Budget

7 Tips To Rent A Car Within Budget

Image source: https://is4-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple118/v4/83/e5/ea/83e5ea8c-8c99-1117-e119-43ae7ffb6bcc/source/1200x630bb.jpg

You may want to rent a car while going on a holiday or a business trip. If public transport is not an option for you then you have to opt for a car hire service. In case you are in Singapore, car rental services can be expensive. So, read on to know how to hire the services of a car rental firm that doesn't exceed your budget.

1.Check Out Car Rental Websites: There's hardly any information that you can't get on the Internet, so check out the websites that offer car rental or car leasing services in Singapore. Most of these companies mention their charges on their websites. This will help you to compare the price offered by different car rental companies in Singapore, so as to find the one that suits your budget.

2.Look Out for Discounts and Special Offers: Singapore car rental companies often give out discounts and special offers that you can make good use of to rent a car within your budget. Some budget car rental services offer special discounts, special offers, etc. that are available only when bookings are done online.

If the car rental company is not offering any discount, you can still ask for it. Sometimes budget car rental companies provide discounts to clients with whom they have good relations or those who are regular clients.

Other sources of discounts include those supported by frequent flyer programs, and military service programs.

3.Check the Hired Car for Damages: Before hiring or leasing a car, check thoroughly whether it has any damages or not. If you point these damages to the renter before hiring the car, then you can expect to pay less for renting that car. While checking any damages on the car, inspect the car accessories, radio, wipers, breaks, seat belts, etc.

4.Car Rental Insurance: Car rental services in Singapore often collect the insurance amount of the car from the person who rents the car. Try to avoid that to save money.

5.Car Type: Not all types of cars can be rented within a low budget. Hiring small cars will definitely cost less than hiring a limo. If you have to go by your budget, go for a small car.

6.Avoid Car Pickup: Many car leasing companies in Singapore charge extra for delivering the car to your doorstep. If you want to save money, pick up the car yourself. This will save you some additional costs on renting the car.

7.Price Comparison: Going for the first car rental company that comes your way is a bad decision. The fifth one perhaps will suit your budget. But for that you need to check out the car rental prices offered by different companies and find out which one gives the best deal that won't hurt your pocket as well.

So, now that you have got ideas on how to save money on car rental, hope you'll have a good time traveling around Singapore without getting into the hassle of hiring expensive taxis.

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