Jumat, 16 Maret 2018

How to Establish a Proper Mindset for Losing Weight

How to Establish a Proper Mindset for Losing Weight

Image source: http://weightlosster.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/extreme-weight-loss-diet-plan1.jpg

Many of us who have tried and failed to lose weight have simply gone about it in the wrong way. That's right, we tried dieting. The thing is, diets don't work. They are a short-term solution to a long-term problem. Because they are short-term they eventually run out of steam and we start gaining the weight we lost back and then some. After many attempts to lose weight and failing, I finally hit on http://65697d3wxgmz5vupo036dv4xbu.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PRWL-REDTEA-EZine-SIG-2">a perfect way to lose weight. In fact, I lost over 60 pounds and have kept it off for over ten years and counting. There is no secret to this. It is all about attitude. Today, I am discussing ways to establish the right attitude for losing weight. This attitude extends to maintaining weight loss.

Step 1: It is all about TODAY!
Today is the day I must not get off the path. Perhaps tomorrow, but not today. If I knew I could never again eat a piece of chocolate cake I would not be able to restrain myself. I just don't have to eat that piece of cake today. In short, we live in the NOW. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is a mystery. All we have is right NOW! It is in the NOW that we can make a conscious decision to not get stupid. I don't have to eat that piece of chocolate cake NOW.

Step 2: How do I Get to the NOW Attitude.
For me, the answer is simple. I meditate. I sit quietly on the floor, cross my legs and make universal circles with my forefinger and thumb. I try to clear my mind of anything that is pressuring me, it takes a minute or two. Listening to my breathing, I paying attention to the in and out rhythm of my breath. My eyes are closed but I am wide awake. Fully relaxed, my mind is empty of conscious thought.
I do this routine two times a day. Once in the morning and once before I retire. Twenty to thirty minutes is all I need to be ready to face the day. Meditation teaches me that NOW is my gift from the universe.

I know others who go to church on a regular basis, others to the gym to work out. These don't work for me. But my point is that whatever helps you focus on the NOW is perfect for you. You may want to try some basic approaches before deciding on the one you choose. Just make sure you choose your NOW work or you will fail in your weight loss.

Step 3: Stay Toxin Free
I have written about toxins before so I won't go into great detail about them. It is safe to say that between environmental toxins, natural toxins, and man-made toxins, our natural toxin elimination system can't keep up. This means we must engage in detoxification. I generally recommend a seven-day detoxing approach that reboots your body's natural detoxing mechanisms.
http://65697d3wxgmz5vupo036dv4xbu.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PRWL-REDTEA-EZine-SIG-2">Detoxing, however, is not a one time and done deal. Once you have eliminated the stored toxins in your body you have to keep them out forever. The simplest way to do this is to hydrate. Drink loads of water, from 40 to 60 ounces every day. On top of that add a few other hydrating drinks like coffee (black) and tea. While the caffeine is a diuretic, there is still a hydrating effect to these two drinks. Stay away from fruit juices, soda, and other candy bar drinks. The sugar will kill you.

Being fully hydrated means your kidneys are flushing toxins out of your body as they are meant to do. Your bowels are flushing out toxins and eliminating them as well. Your sweat glands are also removing stored toxins and eliminating them through your skin in the form of sweat. Hydration is a tool for detoxing on a regular basis.

The Last Word,
So there you have it. Live in the NOW, meditate or do some other activity to keep you focused on the NOW, and hydrate to detox regularly. Do these three things as you are engaged in weight loss and you'll be well on your way to permanent weight loss.

Sara Dawson is the managing partner at Weight Loss Science, a Fischel Group Company. Her personal journey going from chubby and unhealthy to thin and healthy is one that anyone who suffers from being overweight or in poor health, or both should know. Sara encourages you to visit her Weight Loss Blog where she shares her story along with tips and ideas for healthy weight loss.

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